I’m pleased to publish a short story with accompanying photographs. I can’t say much about it without giving the plot away, but I hope you enjoy it.Continue Reading

A Nature Walk

I’m often asked about the equipment I use for nature watching, my photography and to make my sound recordings. Earlier today I made a short film during which I reveal how much I manage to fit in a small bag. Continue Reading

English Dawn by Gabriel Hemery

With a busy day of video conference calls ahead during our Covid-enforced lockdown, this morning I rose early to find solace in nature. It was dark when I left the house, but already a song thrush was in full voice. I had a destination in mind to visit with myContinue Reading

Ash trees at dawn in Cumbria

As the spread of ash dieback across Britain becomes noticeable, there is a peak in interest about the consequences of ash dieback, with landowners and conservationists seeking good advice about what tree species is best to plant to help nature recover. Here’s a simply summary for landowners, based of peer-reviewed research.Continue Reading

The Lost Words by Robert Macfarlane

2017 has been a year with rich foraging for those with an interest in tree and nature books. In my shortlist, titles include The Lost Words, The Hidden Life of Trees, Oak and Ash and Thorn, and many more beautiful and inspiring books besides. Please note, this post contains affiliateContinue Reading

Tree Fractals video

My writing about art and math in nature are always among my most popular posts, and I’ve meant to write about fractals for a while because they fascinate me. This time of year the bare branches of deciduous trees display their full beauty and fascinating growth patterns. Did you knowContinue Reading