A new independent campaign has been launched asking for UK government to support a Nature Premium to guarantee regular time in nature for all children and young people with additional funding and support to level up those with the least access to nature. In my view, there is nothing more important than ensuring future society is close to, and cares for, the natural world. Please have your say by taking part.

The core concept of the Nature Premium campaign is that:

We believe that regular and additional nature experiences funded by the Nature Premium would improve children’s mental and physical well-being after lockdown and demonstrate a positive investment in their future development as part of the Green Recovery.

The campaign, led by the Forest School Association, is deliberately independent and simply seeks to increase children’s engagement with nature and realise the huge number of associated benefits. I was delighted to be asked to be a key supporter and advocate. I provided the following as a quote to be added to the campaign website:

‘Life on Earth faces an existential crisis. We are unlikely to successfully rise to meet this challenge unless society’s general population — more than a passionate minority — understands and cares for the natural world. We will benefit hugely if our youngest can grow into adults with an affinity with the environment and all things wild. From affinity will blossom understanding, care, and ultimately passion. This is why I am so pleased to support the Nature Premium campaign which calls for all children and young people to routinely access nature. It truly has the power to transfer future society and its relationship with the natural world.’

Dr Gabriel Hemery
author • photographer • silvologist

Read more and follow the link to sign the petition

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