I’m pleased to publish a short story with accompanying photographs. I can’t say much about it without giving the plot away, but I hope you enjoy it.Continue Reading

Quercus - a novellete by Gabriel Hemery

Regular readers will know that I have committed to writing and sharing with them a free short story every month for 12 months. I can’t believe that I’m already three-quarters towards my target. This month I’m giving away a new story called Quercus. At some 9,000 words in length, itContinue Reading

Terra by Gabriel Hemery

Terra is my latest short story, written for my readers. Its dystopian eco-futuristic theme may surprise my regular readers.Continue Reading

The Brief Life of Flowers by Fiona Stafford. A review.

I have a copy of The Brief Life of Flowers by Fiona Stafford to give away to a lucky reader. “Its elegant, beguiling and scented prose, brings the wonder of plants alive.” Gabriel Hemery, May 2019 Simply sign up to my Newsletter for a change to win. Deadline 23:59, 1stContinue Reading