Everyone should plant one tree for every year they live on Earth. Do you know your Tree Credit Score?

Planting a number of trees to match your age is not as difficult as you might imagine. Anyone can have a go at tree planting, and you may be surprised at how many you can plant in an hour or two. Even if you are quite mature in age, it won’t take you long to ‘catch up’ so that your tree count matches your years! The secret is to plant trees regularly, every year. Before you know it, you may move into tree credit. If you are old, infirm or simply too busy, then there are many non-profit organisations which will accept a donation and plant trees on your behalf. 

Everyone should plant a tree for every year they live on Earth.’

Dr Gabriel Hemery, The Tree Almanac 2025

Calculating your Tree Credit Score (TCS) is quite straightforward. Just subtract your age in years (A) from the number of trees you have planted (P) in your life to date. The following elegant formula prevents a negative score:

Tree Credit Score by Gabriel Hemery

If the mathematical equation looks a little complicated, don’t worry. I’ve created a simple Tree Credit Score calculator. Discover your Tree Credit Score using the calculator below. You can even download a personalised certificate.

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