The Forest Guides are a major three-book series by author Gabriel Hemery, publishing with Bloomsbury Wildlife. When completed, the books will feature more than 1,000 of the finest woodlands across Britain, from the largest forest to the smallest copse. Information and specially commissioned photographs celebrate their beauty, purpose, history, current nature, and ownership. Descriptions will guide visitors in exploring forest sites across every corner of Britain. The first of the guides covering Scotland was published in 2023, with Wales following in early 2025 and England in 2026.

The Forest Guides

The Forest Guide: Scotland

The Forest Guide: Scotland
The Forest Guide: Scotland
  • 365 forest sites across Scotland
  • 200 photographs
  • 16 maps
  • Published

The Forest Guide: Wales

The Forest Guide: Wales
The Forest Guide: Wales
  • 325 forest sites across Wales
  • Publication due February 2025

The Forest Guide: England

The Forest Guide: England
  • Research and writing in progress
  • Due Feb 2026

Get Involved

register a woodland • suggest a woodland • become a Book Patron

During creation of The Forest Guide series (2021-2025), there are opportunities for you to get involved. Find out below how to propose a site for inclusion in the guides, and how to become a book patron.

The Forest Guides

Get involved by registering your woodland if you’re a landowner, or suggesting your favourite site if you’re a member of the public.

You can also support the book by becoming a Book Patron, and in return have your name in the book and receive a special signed copy. You may also ask that the Book Patron is gifted to someone else, in which case their name will be listed instead. You can even request a gift certificate so that you have something to give while your giftee waits for the book to be published.

The Forest Guide Online

The Forest Guide Online – enjoy high-quality dynamic online maps to accompany the guidebooks, with helpful data about each site. Free to existing guidebook readers or available to purchase for a small fee.

The Forest Guide online