Wild cherry and hawksbeard

It’s always a challenge photographing flowers in a woodland. Very often you have to battle with low light conditions due to shade, so a tripod is essential. Being outdoors, the wind is often a problem in trying to capture the detail of flowers. In this case I made the mostContinue Reading

I recently wrote about a short film that I’d made on behalf of the Sylva Foundation for the Forgotten Forests project, run by Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE). I have been asked whether I could provide the full transcript.  I am pleased to offer it below. Watch the film Britain’sContinue Reading

Sunrise in the Cevennes

Sunrise and valley mist in the Cevennes mountains of south east France.  The forests contain a large proportion of sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa) trees, alongside downy oak (Quercus pubescens) and various pines and spruces. Gabriel HemeryContinue Reading

Chene d'Ecole, Belleme Forest

Translate to French Aujourd’hui, c’est la Fête Nationale en France: today is Bastille Day in France.  It seemed to be a perfect occasion to celebrate France and its wonderful trees and forests. Le peuple français et ses forêts The trees and forests of France are deeply engrained in the FrenchContinue Reading

To celebrate the International Year of Forests, the theme for PostEurop’s postage stamps for 2011 is trees and forests.  Europa stamps have been produced by many European countries and demonstrate some wonderful and varied designs.  Here are some of my favourites. If you have a philatelic interest and want toContinue Reading

Forest of Dean plantation

Planting more of the same ‘native woodlands’ that now litter the English countryside with little more ambition in their creation and management than a membership publicity drive or community engagement excercise, will be regretted long after the PR-masters behind them have past. In their own way, these are as regrettable as the dark satanic rows of conifers that were planted sixty years ago.
If we continue to plant green fuzz across our food-producing fields, with little concern either for the impending need to be more self-sufficient in food production, or for the need to reduce our enormous reliance on timber imports, Britain’s environmental credibility will be increasingly undermined.Continue Reading

Today sees the launch of a new ‘ginger group’ – Our Forests – with the aim of ensuring a People’s Vision for the Future of England’s Woods and ForestsContinue Reading

Today is World Environment Day.  This year, the theme supports the UN’s International Year of Forests and is entitled Forests: Nature at Your Service. The UN says the day will emphasise “the many essential life-sustaining values that forests provide and the intrinsic link between our quality of life and theContinue Reading

Earlier this week The Independent newspaper published the winning essay about the future of forests in England.  This was an open competition with an attractive £5000 prize that was announced in February, just before the Government scrapped plans to sell England’s publicly-owned forests.  Read more. About 150 essays of 1500-2000Continue Reading

Percentage Forest Cover in Europe by country 2010

I wrote recently that the UK had the second-lowest forest cover of any country in Europe (see post).  More specifically with 12% forest cover the UK has the same forest cover as the Republic of Moldova.  Ireland and the Netherlands are equally the least-wooded countries in Europe, each with 11%Continue Reading