This week Sylva Foundation published the long-awaited report for the British Woodlands Survey 2017: Shaping the Future of Forestry.

It’s been a labour of love working alongside my fellow authors. We were victims of our own success in attracting such a fantastic response from so many people across Britain: 1,630 stakeholders took part, representing one-fifth of all woodland area in Britain.

We adopted a novel ‘360-degree’ research method for British Woodlands Survey 2017, whereby stakeholders were engaged in designing the survey, providing data, and reviewing outcomes. As a result, we can be confident that the results from BWS2017 are not only interesting and revealing, but highly attuned to the perceptions and therefore the current needs of the sector.

The 34 page report contains a wealth of information, yet even then only scratches the surface as the data is so rich. Some key facts and figures are highlighted in the infographic below. Other themes include ecosystem services, the woodchain, financial returns, and land reform, to name a few.

Shaping the future of forestry
Shaping the future of forestry – infographic from the report of the British Woodlands Survey 2017

Read more and download the report:

Hemery, G, G Petrokofsky, B Ambrose-Oji, D Edwards, L O’Brien, C Tansey, and M Townsend. 2018. “Shaping the Future of Forestry: Report of the British Woodlands Survey 2017.” Sylva Foundation.

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