Sir Martin Wood

I am greatly saddened by the death of my friend, colleague, and patron, Sir Martin Wood aged 94 years. Sir Martin Wood FRS was a visionary engineer, passionate conservationist, and a prolific philanthropist, who had an incalculable influence on my professional and personal life. I first met Martin when, freshContinue Reading

Scottish Forestry journal Spring2019

I was delighted to have my article about the life of Scottish plant hunter John Jeffrey, and my recently published fictional biography entitled Green Gold, featured in the Spring/Summer edition of Scottish Forestry, the journal of the Royal Scottish Forestry Society. The article highlights the life of Scotsman John Jeffrey,Continue Reading

silvology defined

Silvology: redefining the biological science for the study of forests With co-author Jens Peter Skovsgaard I propose a formal definition for a term that describes the scientific study of forests and woods: silvology.   In contrast to other disciplines no terminology has developed to distinguish the practice of silviculture fromContinue Reading

Great to see one of my photographs selected for the cover of the August issue of Confor’s Forestry & Timber News. Very grateful also to Confor for dedicating a page to promote the crowd-funding campaign in support of my latest book Green Gold.Continue Reading