Defra’s Independent Panel on Forestry published their long-awaited interim or progress report today.

“Although our Panel was born out of fierce debate over the future of the public forest estate, what has become apparent through our work so far is that we must look at the future of all woods and forests, not just the one fifth managed by the Forestry Commission.” The Right Reverend James Jones Bishop of Liverpool, Chair of Panel

According to Defra’s press release:

“the progress report states that the Panel sees a continuing role for a national public forest estate in England. The Panel sets out a broad vision of providing a wider range of benefits to more people, and will explore the role of not just the public forest estate but all woodlands, including those in other ownerships, in delivering more for society, the environment and the economy.”

Independent Panel on Forestry progress report

Gabriel Hemery

Read Our Forests response

Read more about Our Forests

Listen to Panel Chair, Bishop James Jones, on BBC Radio 8/12/2011 (jump to 8:41 minutes)

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