The much heralded report by the Independent Panel on Forestry on the future of forestry in England was released this morning. It is anticipated that the Government will take until January 2013 to consider the Panel’s recommendations and that the suspension on sales of public forests will be extended untilContinue Reading

Our Forests has created a poster to be shared online to promote grassroot’s demands to Government concerning the future of England’s forests. With the announcement from the Independent Panel on Forestry just 36 hours away, here’s a chance to remind everyone why the issue is so important. Right click andContinue Reading

Our Forests has produced a series of posters free for anyone to use in publicising the issues critical in securing the people’s vision for the future of woods and forests in England. The posters reiterate and emphasize our six simple demands for Government: Our woods & forests protected forever! NationalContinue Reading

Barrow Wake panorama

Barrow Wake is a well-known viewpoint near the village of Birdlip in Gloucestershire, England. It has fine views from its seat on the Cotswolds, looking West over the Vale of Gloucester towards the distant Malvern Hills. The view was particularly fine earlier this week when I happened to be passingContinue Reading

A briefing document has been published by the Our Forests ginger group, setting the record straight about ancient woodlands in England. During the public outcry over the Government’s declared proposals to dispose of the public woods and forests managed by the Forestry Commission in England, particular concerns were raised aboutContinue Reading

The Our Forests ginger group met for the second time in London earlier today. We are planning a number of interventions over the coming months in response to the Government’s review of forestry policy and the public forest estate in England.  Read more Following a very fruitful meeting, we posedContinue Reading