Dartmoor forest by Gabriel Hemery

For my short story in Arboreal (Little Toller Books, 2016) I decided to write from the perspective of an old man looking back on the transformation of Dartmoor due to the withdrawal of farming subsidies and application of visionary environmental policies. I drew a couple of sketches that didn’t make it into the book.Continue Reading

Charter for Trees, Woods and People

Our life on Earth is entwined with trees, even if we’re not always aware of their importance. It often takes a special moment for us remember the significance of something we can so easily take for granted. The Year 2017 is one such moment for trees and forests in the UK, this being the 800th anniversary of the Charter of the Forest.Continue Reading

Environmental change is impacting Britain’s trees and forests with increasing frequency and severity, caused by human influences and/or natural ecological processes. Somerset owner William Theed replanted with different conifer species when Japanese larch in his woodland was the first in the UK attacked by Phytophthora ramorum. Photo Gabriel Hemery. An important national surveyContinue Reading

Our Forests has issued a short response to the Independent Panel on Forestry’s report issued earlier today. Robin Maynard, coordinator, Our Forests said, “The Panel’s report offers reassurance on many, but not all, of the concerns of Our Forests and the many grassroots campaigners and forest community groups who stoodContinue Reading

The much heralded report by the Independent Panel on Forestry on the future of forestry in England was released this morning. It is anticipated that the Government will take until January 2013 to consider the Panel’s recommendations and that the suspension on sales of public forests will be extended untilContinue Reading

Our Forests has created a poster to be shared online to promote grassroot’s demands to Government concerning the future of England’s forests. With the announcement from the Independent Panel on Forestry just 36 hours away, here’s a chance to remind everyone why the issue is so important. Right click andContinue Reading

Our Forests has produced a series of posters free for anyone to use in publicising the issues critical in securing the people’s vision for the future of woods and forests in England. The posters reiterate and emphasize our six simple demands for Government: Our woods & forests protected forever! NationalContinue Reading