I have been working with a school in Oxford to encourage the students to express their feelings towards trees and the natural environment as part of my Tree Letters project. The students have written some wonderful letters.
Regular readers will know that one of my current projects is creating a collection of letters between people and trees. The project is called Tree Letters, and you can visit the project website here.
Cheney School in Oxford is unique in having an accredited museum – The Rumble Museum – within the school. My project has been part of the museum’s activities, including the launch of a new exhibition called Cheney 2050. The school has launched a really lovely interactive website where there are clues to follow and surprises scattered throughout a virtual tree trail. Click here.
I also made a short film for the Cheney 2050 project which you will find alongside those from other contributors on this page.
As for the letters the students have written to the trees in and around the school, they are amazing but to see them all you will need to visit the Tree Letters website [password hornbeam].
Tree letter
Here at Cheney
When it’s rainy
The storm provokes
The mighty oaks
When it’s sunny
Warm and funny
The weather’s best
The branches rest
Kenneth Hobson (Aged 11)