In January this year I wrote about the 800th year anniversary of the Charter of the Forest, in the form of the new Charter for Trees, Woods and People read my earlier post. The launch of the new Charter is now just one week away, taking place in Lincoln Castle on Monday 6th November.


Since then I hatched a mad plan: to cycle from London to Lincoln to celebrate the Charter launch. Mad because it’s nearly 200 miles, mad because it is November . . . but it’s for a great cause as it will be undertaken by tree and cycling charity Fund4Trees.

Gabriel Hemery receives a cutting from the Ankerwycke Yew from Ray Hawes of The National Trust for the Fund4Trees Charter Ride
Gabriel Hemery receives a cutting from the Ankerwycke Yew from Ray Hawes of The National Trust for the Fund4Trees Charter Ride

Alongside fellow trustees, plus a few guest riders, we will be setting off from Runnymede on Friday 3rd November, arriving in Lincoln to coincide with the launch. We will be visiting schools and community groups along the route, to talk trees and of course to plant some too.

Earlier this week I received a rare propagated cutting of the Ankerwycke Yew—under whose boughs the related charter the Magna Carta was signed too years earlier in 1215—from The National Trust. We’ll be carrying the tree with us to be planted in Lincoln.

Why not follow our progress, including a daily video, by visiting the Fund4Trees website.

Read more about the Charter Ride

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