In January this year I wrote about the 800th year anniversary of the Charter of the Forest, in the form of the new Charter for Trees, Woods and People – read my earlier post. The launch of the new Charter is now just one week away, taking place in Lincoln CastleContinue Reading

Environmental change is impacting Britain’s trees and forests with increasing frequency and severity, caused by human influences and/or natural ecological processes. Somerset owner William Theed replanted with different conifer species when Japanese larch in his woodland was the first in the UK attacked by Phytophthora ramorum. Photo Gabriel Hemery. An important national surveyContinue Reading

Beech tree rent asunder

On a recent trip to a woodland in southern England I came across a beech tree that had been rent asunder by winter gales. The tree had a large fork and one of its stems had broken causing the entire trunk to split open, all the way to the ground.Continue Reading

I’m a forester.  That’s a simple description of my profession without much room for misunderstanding – or so you’d think.  Therein lies an etymological dilemma for me and my fellow tree professionals. As a forester I practice forestry, which is the management of forests.  In the public mind the termContinue Reading

I took part in the inaugural Ride for Research today; cycling 25 miles around London’s streets, visiting three schools along the way to plant trees with children and to raise money for tree research. We visited three London schools en route: two primary schools at Harrow and Islington, and aContinue Reading