Tree Fractals video

My writing about art and math in nature are always among my most popular posts, and I’ve meant to write about fractals for a while because they fascinate me. This time of year the bare branches of deciduous trees display their full beauty and fascinating growth patterns. Did you knowContinue Reading

Following visits to Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh (RBGE) and Benmore Botanic Garden, botanical artist Nicola Macartney (collaborating in my GREEN GOLD book project) has started work painting sketches of western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) including foliage, cones and a section of bark. These elements will be included in the final paintingContinue Reading

Moody treescape by Gabriel Hemery

I like how the trees and mist look like clouds. Shot on the Winter Solstice. View file and related images from my album: Camera:  DMC-G3 Lens:  LUMIX G VARIO 100-300/F4.0-5.6 Focal Length:  300mm Shutter Speed:  1/125 s (with tripod) Aperture:  f/5.6 ISO/Film: 200Continue Reading

Wishing all my readers a peaceful Christmas and a fruitful New Year Gabriel Hemery See more from this photo series on The Tree PhotographerContinue Reading

The authors are searching for the finest example of a common ash (Fraxinus excelsior) tree to feature in The New Sylva. We hope that our readers can help by submitting their favourite ash trees – one of which will be selected and appear in the book frontispiece. Following the outbreakContinue Reading

This is the latest in my Elm series; my last image being Ghost elm. I captured the shadow of a very large and healthy Cornish elm Ulmus minor subsp. angustifolia growing in East Sussex. It is one of the last large elm trees remaining alive in England, following the spreadContinue Reading

Spring is fast approaching and our attention is beginning to shift to emerging tree flowers. Among the first to appear are the many wind-pollinated species. Trees such as birches, hazel, oaks and willows have beautiful pendulous male catkins, or inflorescences, containing many scaly bracts (flowers) in place of petals seenContinue Reading

Winter Ash Haiku

Afterlife tool and spoke Winter ash gale bend and yield Oak a merest nod Gabriel Hemery During the recent winter gales in England I was inspired to write a Haiku poem. The amazing flexibility of the ash Fraxinus excelsior tree means that its wood is widely used in tool handles,Continue Reading