I was pleased to donate one of my images with a link to my web-page on measuring tree height for the new STEM Garden at Wilson Botanical Gardens in North Carolina.

Wilson Botanical Gardens has received a $25,000 grant from the North Carolina GlaxoSmithKline Foundation through their Ribbon of Hope grant program. These funds are supporting the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Garden and its associated programs.

Focusing on the needs of middle and high school students, the STEM Garden incorporates elements of the core STEM programs including science concepts using plant/insect interactions, water use and conservation, technology in weather prediction and information systems , engineering in design and alternative power sources, and mathematical models. Students in Wilson and surrounding counties use the Garden.

Wilson Botanical Garden - Gabriel Hemery's tree height math
Wilson Botanical Garden STEM garden and Gabriel Hemery’s tree height math

The article on measuring tree height remains one of my most popular with readers.

Find out more about the STEM garden at www.wilsonbotanicalgardens.org

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