I am conducting a survey on public attitudes to Forestry, specifically Trees and Wood. The results will be published publicly when analyses are complete; possibly as a research article.

To produce a meaningful result I need as many respondents as possible. I encourage you to take part; it will take less than five minutes of your time. It is open to anyone … anywhere.

Please also forward this post, or if you prefer the link below, to your friends:


To take part in the survey click the link below. You will be directed to a survey page hosted by Survey Monkey:

Click here to take part in the Trees & Wood survey

Thank you

Gabriel Hemery


  1. I see no value to this survey at all. What’s it for and who’s it for? What does it seek to achieve?

    1. Author

      Thanks Peter. I did not want to prejudice the results by explaining too much about the value of the survey. What I would say is that I am keen to gather evidence, in the form of public responses to specific questions, relating to public attitudes towards forestry as an industry and sector. So that is what it is for. In relation to your question about who it is for, it is for my use as a silvologist. If you mean who is it directed to; then the answer is everyone from professional to lay person – and this is important as I am interested in comparing and contrasting perceptions among professionals and comparing these with those of the wider public.

      I hope this response answers your questions somewhat. If you are a social scientist and care to ask me some more searching questions I would be delighted – equally to hear some positive views on how the survey could be improved for the future.


  2. I think it would have also been useful to include a small box for ‘Any other comments’ not necessarily for the survey itself but as a means to demonstrate public perceptions and awareness of woodlands, forests and forestry in general. The findings from that particular option could become a part of the general conclusion section of the research paper (if that is what eventually comes of the survey).

    I find cutting down trees for biomass burning to be totally futile and counter climate change combative. I know there are advocates but we would burn far more to generate the same levels of energy we currently do with say coal or oil or even gas for that. This is in no way a supporting argument for fossil fuel burning. We still need to move away from burning anything to generate electricity.

    Here is a thought for you.
    ‘Humans have only ever mastered one element…..Fire. And even that mastery is not fully controlled. Take forest fires or bush fires as an example of when we really don’t have total control over the flames.’

    Worth remembering that fact.

    Keep up the good work Gabriel. Your site has been passed on to many people recently and they have all said they liked what you write about.

    1. Author

      Thanks Kevin

      Yes I agree – and my original intention was to include an ‘essay’ box to allow extendeded comment. However, the free version of Survey Monkey restricted me to 10 questions only. Instead I thought that I could capture some comment, such as yours, which may come via my blog; so thanks for those.

      Thanks too for your generous feedback on the blog as a whole.

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