A major partnership has been announced between local nature and author Gabriel Hemery. The deal follows a period of unprecedented curiosity among wild creatures of every domain about the recent downturn in human activity.

A copy of the original press release, circulated 4th May 2020
(click to enlarge)

Speaking from his official residence in Forest Row, a spokesman for the partnership, Mr P Oak said:

‘We’ve been delighted to lend our support to this intriguing project and leafing through the final publication has certainly shed some light on the human condition.’

Penfold Oak

The ground-breaking book, to be released next month, will be the first product of the unusual collaboration. Tall Trees Short Stories explores humankind’s relationship with the natural word from almost every perspective and through multiple genres.

The announcement coincides with the global release, on Thursday 7th May 19:15 GMT, of the hugely anticipated film trailer which the partnership has been working on, under tight security, over recent months. There have however, been rumours of disquiet among the main protagonists. When asked to comment, the film’s scientific advisor Dr B Owl responded:

‘Whilst I have been pleased to have been associated with this project, it is true that I have not always seen eye-to-eye with the Creative Director.’

Dr Barnard Owl

One of the main leads in the film, Miss Vixen—formerly known as “Foxy Lady”—was recently heard barking negative comments in public. The Creative Director, who has sought to secure his anonymity, released a public statement in response:

‘It is true that some actors have expressed concern that they were coerced into taking part in the film, but I am confident the majority have been only too happy to promote the wonderfully creative outcome.’

Anon., Creative Director

Over recent days a number of those active within the partnership have issued a chorus of support, including:

  • ‘I’m going absolutely nuts about this’ – Mrs J Regia
  • ‘Blooming marvellous’ – Mr P Avium
  • ‘Truly multi-talonted’ – Kite & Hawk Ltd

Notes for Editors

The global trailer premier will released on this YouTube channel on Thursday 7th May at 1915 GMT

Further information about the project can be found here

All media enquiries should be directed to Gabriel Hemery

Tall Trees Short Stories by Gabriel Hemery


Tall Trees Short Stories trailer
Tall Trees Short Stories trailer

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