The publication of my latest book Tall Trees Short Stories has been supported in part by two companies which have generously sponsored a tale within the book. The first of these that I can publicly acknowledge is helps individuals and families buy their own woodlands and enjoy looking after them

It is good finally to talk publicly about the generous sponsorship provided by for one of the 25 tales featured in Tall Trees Short Stories. The family-based business loved the idea of supporting a short story and director Angus Hanton thought the tale of a whole forest which disappears overnight was ‘fun and meaningful’. The story sponsored is titled The Great Forest Heist.

The Great Forest Heist — a tale within
Tall Trees Short Stories sponsored by

“fun and meaningful”

Angus Hanton, also supports an active group for woodland owners and others with an interest in woodland matters called the Small Woodland Owners Group or SWOG. It was great to see the story mentioned in its recent newsletter, which included a free download of the story for their members (I wrote this specifically for its members).

SWOG newsletter

If you have an interest in woodland management and related matters, I encourage you to sign up (it’s free!) as editor Judith Millidge does a wonderful job editing the excellent Living Woods magazine.


Declaration: Gabriel Hemery was not paid to write this article, nor was it a condition of the sponsorship offered for a story within Tall Trees Short Stories. This article was freely written without editorial influence and represents the author’s personal points of view.

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