Our deadline to complete copy editing is the end of June, so Gabriel Hemery has been working hard with the copy editor to finish on time. Meanwhile, the authors have also been working with the team at Bloomsbury Publishing to produce the first sample chapters. This is the first time that text and image have been fully combined so it was exciting for all the team to work on this.

The samples have been prepared in readiness for an approach to a VIP to write the foreword for The New Sylva. We can’t tell you more than this for now but meanwhile here’s a sneak preview of one of the pages:

A sample page from The New Sylva

1 Comment

  1. I just found this Blog two days ago.
    I have been a big fan of Sarahs work for a long time, and also have abig fasination with trees, and draw trees myself for my own work.

    This is just kind of a small dream come true to get a book of tree drawings by Sarah Simblet! WOW! cant even wait for the book to come! wish I could go buy it right now!

    I would like to ask if there are any plans of Sarah starting a class on Ruskin with this book in mind, when the project is done?

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