Back in April 2020 I was jointly awarded, with Professor Julian Evans, the Peter Savill Award for contributions to the British forestry industry.

I’ve waited patiently since the announcement in April (read more) while co-winner Professor Julian Evans enjoyed his share of the stunning cup which features in this prize, turned from a piece of walnut burr.

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of meeting up (socially distanced of course) with Peter Savill’s widow Michelle to celebrate the handover of the award. We were photographed at the Sylva Wood Centre in Oxfordshire.

The cup now adorns my office at the Sylva Foundation, where alongside a copy of The New Sylva I can proudly display it in the background during the countless online calls I have during national lockdown!

The Peter Savill Award has run since 2007 and is awarded each year by Woodland Heritage.

Dr Gabriel Hemery with the Peter Savill Award presented by Michelle Taylor
Dr Gabriel Hemery with the Peter Savill Award presented by Michelle Savill. The tree between us is a Cedar of Lebanon, planted in memory of Peter Savill, a former trustee of Sylva Foundation
The Peter Savill Award and cup
The Peter Savill Award and cup, turned from a piece of walnut burr, in my office at the Sylva Wood Centre

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