Walnut collecting family with donkeys in Kyrgyzstan
Fall (Autumn) in the walnut-fruit forests of Kyrgyzstan, I came across a father returning home with his two young children and a large horde of walnuts. Photo: DMC-GF2, 15mm (30mm 35mm equiv), f4.0, 1/125sec, ISO100, handheld.

For this week’s photo challenge and theme of ‘fall’, I thought that this image was very fitting. It’s a double entendre, as not only was the photo taken in the Fall (Autumn), but I was amazed how these three managed to balance on the donkey without falling!

I was pleased with the photo as all three of the family are looking at the camera, and I like the way the youngest is just peeping over her father’s arm.

This was a good example of the advantage of always having a camera ready; not just by having it in your hand or around your neck rather than tucked deep in a bag, but also by having it ready with the best settings. I normally prefer to shoot using as many manual settings as possible but I am not proficient enough to be able to take successfully a quick shot of the unexpected. So, I normally leave the camera on the ‘idiot’ or full automatic mode just in case I need to fire off a quick shot without thinking of all the settings I might need.

Deep in the walnut-fruit forests of Kyrgyzstan, miles from the nearest track passable by a 4×4, I was climbing a narrow path when the family group suddenly appeared around a corner. I asked quickly (with gestures only as I don’t speak Kyrgyz) whether I could take a photo, and after Dad’s nodding approval I managed to take just two frames as they carried on past.

See more of my Weekly Photo Challenges

Gabriel Hemery

1 Comment

  1. jolie photo “clin d’oeil” accented by the funny twinkling gaze of the little one rocking fearlessly “above” the steepy paths through the forest…followed by one of those solitary “modestine” which used to be so dear to the heart of Stevenson travelling in the Cevennes….a few years ago

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