There’s a curious affinity between people with a ‘green’ passion, and an appreciation of music, cycling, books and cooking. I hope my slightly unusual list of gift ideas this Christmas, will be helpful to those with loved ones who would appreciate an unusual green gift.Continue Reading

Walnut collecting family with donkeys in Kyrgyzstan

Deep in the walnut-fruit forests of Kyrgyzstan, miles from the nearest track passable by a 4×4, I was climbing a narrow path when the family group suddenly appeared around a corner. I quickly asked (with gestures only as I don’t speak Kyrgyz) whether I could take a photo, and after Dad’s nodding approval I managed to take just two frames as they carried on past.Continue Reading

The grey squirrel is perhaps one of the most commonly seen of British mammals being highly visible in parks, gardens and woodlands.  This, in combination with its large eyes and bushy tail, often make it an attractive and popular animal in the public eye. Grey squirrels are, however, a seriousContinue Reading

Several honeys are made from tree flowers including one species that is supposed to be wind-pollinated. Here’s a review of some of the most popular, and some less well known, tree honeys.Continue Reading

World food shortages are anticipated by 2050 but what are the implications for growing trees? If faced with starvation, I know what I would choose but I would have had to have made that decision 50 years before.Continue Reading