I’m excited to be a contributor to an amazing new book project celebrating the beauty of trees through photography. The publication of the book will hopefully be supported by crowdfunding raised via Kickstarter, and the project goes live in ten days time.

I will add a post on 14th October with a link to the Kickstarter fundraising page. Make sure you check back here then to find out how you can support this amazing project. You can always Subscribe to my blog, then you’ll receive a handy reminder in your inbox!

Some spreads from Trees of the Planet

An extraordinary art book on the trees of the world, as well as a travelling exhibition. A truly collective and international project, it will be ‘crowdfunded’ in two ways: both in the funding and, uniquely, in the art itself. All the profits will go to organisations devoted to caring for trees.

Trees of the Planet – film launched on 14th October

Read more about Trees of the Planet on my book pages

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