As an external advisor to the Woodland Trust on conservation matters, I have been lucky to travel to some beautiful sites around Britain over the last four years. Earlier this week, I visited Glen Finglas with other advisors. It was my first visit and I was taken aback by the autumnal beauty of this area in The Trossachs National Park in the Highlands of Scotland.

Glen Finglas stormy landscape Gabriel Hemery
Glen Finglas stormy landscape, Gabriel Hemery

While we talked in depth about treescapes, grazing, deer, rewilding, research and monitoring, in between I managed to take a few shots with my iPhone. The autumnal colours were at their peak, while the stormy clouds and brief visits of sunshine added drama to the intrinsically beautiful landscape.

Size:  4,095 ha (10,119 acres)
Grid reference: NN521108
Map reference: Explorer 365 | OS Landranger 57
Show on Google Maps

Find out more about Glen Finglas on the Woodland Trust website

Read more about my tree photography

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