The much heralded report by the Independent Panel on Forestry on the future of forestry in England was released this morning. It is anticipated that the Government will take until January 2013 to consider the Panel’s recommendations and that the suspension on sales of public forests will be extended untilContinue Reading

Our Forests

Government fails to meet deadline to answer questions on forests disposal proposals. It is over three  months since Our Forests sent in its submission seeking answers on the public forest disposal debacle, yet no final response has been provided, despite officials initially telling us, “we will be able to sortContinue Reading

Today sees the launch of a new ‘ginger group’ – Our Forests – with the aim of ensuring a People’s Vision for the Future of England’s Woods and ForestsContinue Reading

In the Netherlands forestry is undetaken by the Forestry and Wildlife Service Staatsbosbeheer: managing 250,000 hectares of land for sixteen million Dutch people. It provides some interesting comparisons to the UK where forestry governance is in the spotlight.Continue Reading

In principle there were some good ideas in what the Government sought to achieve by reviewing the ownership of England’s forests.  The Forestry Commission are a great public organisation and achieve fantastic results for a relatively small cost to the taxpayer, although we should recognise that there is also roomContinue Reading

Earlier today on Prime Minister’s Question Time, David Cameron was asked by Labour Leader Ed Miliband about his views on the public forest sale. Ed Miliband asked if the PM was happy about his “flagship policy on forestry”. Amidst laughs, Mr Cameron replied that the short answer was “no” addingContinue Reading