First the manuscript is written, then a publishing offer negotiated and contract signed, fundraising started, fundraising successfully completed, then work started again on the manuscript with a first edit then second edit, followed by copyediting . . . it’s a long process writing a book! In fact, since completing the manuscript of Green Gold, it’s been about two years of hard work with publisher Unbound.

And finally, as production progresses, the elements related to marketing come into play. One of the most significant of these is the design of the book cover. It’s an interesting stage for the author, as ‘seeing’ the book graphically, as future readers will in a bookshop or online, adds a new dimension to the novel that they have nursed, battled, cajoled, and finally conquered.

I was excited to learn that the cover design for Green Gold would be created by Mark Ecob, who has worked on book covers for major publishing houses, and for many very well-known authors. 

I worked closely with the book designer and the publishing team at Unbound to review various options. Once that a final overall design was selected, we agreed a few specific changes, which aimed to please designer, publishing team, and author!

So, here it is, the front cover design of Green Gold . . . 

Green Gold by Gabriel Hemery. Cover design Mark Ecob. Publisher Unbound.

I’m really pleased with the design. It offers a very contemporary look for the novel, while also cleverly linking to the history of the Wild West, and the Gold Rush, thanks to the fonts, typology and colour palette. The various elements of mountain, explorer, tree — yes, it is a Jeffrey pine (!)  — Native American, and forest, all match the main elements of the story. The background map of North America adds a final subtle nod to the journey made by the main protagonist.

Let me know what you think! And remember, the book is now available to pre-order. For a few more weeks, purchasers have the opportunity to have their name (or that of a loved one) included in the book. Visit the Unbound website to find out more.

See more book design work by Mark Ecob.

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