In a programme aired from today on the BBC’s Podcast Radio Hour, presenters Verity Sharp and Moy McGowan recommend their favourite tree podcasts.

The podcast has been put together by the BBC to celebrate UK’s National Tree Week which takes places from 28 November – 6th December 2020. Around the country, volunteer Tree Wardens and other champions of local trees will be holding tree planting events to celebrate National Tree Week: The UK’s largest annual tree celebration!

Congratulations to Sharon Durdant-Hollamby for The Tree Lady podcast in being selected. Exciting for me too as my recent interview with Sharon is included in the BBC’s selection. I talked to Sharon about my collection of environmental tales in my latest book Tall Trees Short Stories Vol.20.

Read more about my conversation with The Tree Lady from my post on 30th October 2020

1 Comment

  1. A very new tree podcast you might be interested in is called My Favorite Trees. It’s about what roles individual tree species have played in shaping human history and culture. The website is and it can be found on a wide variety of streaming apps

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