I recently enjoyed the privilege of being interviewed by The Tree Lady Sharon Durdant-Hollamby for her brilliant regular podcast series Tree lady Talks.

The Tree Lady, Sharon Durdant-Hollamby, talks about all things trees, nature, and well-being to fascinating people from all walks of life. Sharon invited me onto her show to talk about my writing in a special episode focussing on art and literature.

Sharon is such a brilliant interviewer, before I knew it, I had even broken into song. I’m not sure I’ll ever make it as a recording artist, but I really enjoyed our wide-ranging discussion about trees, nature, and environmental sustainability, with a focus on the power of art and literature to transform human culture.

Also featuring on this episode is Dr James Canton, author of The Oak Papers, and artist Stephen Taylor, author of Oak.

You can listen to the episode by clicking the link below. If you don’t already subscribe to Tree Lady Talks I highly recommend that you do.

Click to visit the Tree Lady Talks website

My thanks to Sharon, and to Noel for the impromptu piano accompaniment!

1 Comment

  1. A great pleasure to edit the interview and thanks so much Gabriel for the glowing review – all the very best, Sharon and Noel D-H

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