European Forest Week 2013
European Forest Week 2013

Europe’s forests are thriving—make the smart choice and use them responsibly—so says the Food & Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations.

Europe leads the way in sustainable forest management, both politically and practically, being the only global region where forests are growing in volume and expanding in area. The forest sector in Europe is playing a lead role in “greening” the economy by improving human well-being and social equity, while reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities.

The idea behind European Forest Week, which runs from 9 – 13 December, is to celebrate and raise awareness on the good health of forests in Europe.

Some of the main messages of European Forest Week

  • Wood— the smart choice in your daily life and the renewable way to build, heat and furnish your home
  • Healthy forests safeguard Europe’s future
  • Sustainable forests contribute to a sustainable economy
  • Using forest products, the smart choice, will reduce our environmental footprint
  • Innovative wood products are the future – from traditional wood products to the latest high-performance engineered products, quality wood products meet traditional and modern structural needs.
  • Have you seen your green factory, visited by millions of people every year?


European Forest Week – official webpage


  1. You are very very lucky to be traveling around & being able to study the forests of Europe. Unfortunately here in the UK all I can see is the loss of woodland

    1. Author

      I only wish I could travel more. Actually, here in the UK our forest cover is increasing (as it is in Europe as a whole) – the question is whether it is increasing with the creation of the right type of woodland.

  2. Hi Gabriel,
    I’ve unintentionally duplicated this posting. Still, perhaps good news needs lots of outlets.
    This year I visited woodlands in Latvia, France and Spain (as well as across the UK). Next year I’m already booked into a visit to the Slovenian Forest Institute.
    One thing that travelling highlights for me is the vast diversity of forest types.

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