Are you a fan of fantasy fiction? Would you be interested in reading and commenting on a draft of my next novel?

In late 2021, I completed drafting my next novel. I’m now looking for fans of ‘low fantasy’ who in return for a free copy, would be willing to read the book and provide an honest internal (i.e. non-public) review and comments directly to me. This is a chance for readers to have a real impact on the shape and content of the final novel which will be published later this year.

I would expect beta-readers to be keen readers of fiction, especially fantasy. Examples include: The Name of the Wind (Rothfuss) , The Lord of the Rings (Tolkein), A Wizard of Earthsea (Le Guinn), and so on. You will need to be prepared to read the novel carefully, perhaps making notes as you do so. You will be expected to offer constructive criticism. An online form will be provided to help you provide feedback.

If you are interested in taking part, please complete a simple form I’ve created and I will be in touch. The book will be shared electronically, so you will need a device like a Kindle or ipad to take part.

click the button above or use the embedded form below

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