I am really pleased to be able to give a little back by sponsoring a forest grove in the Scottish Highlands. Thanks to a scheme run by the excellent charity Trees for Life, I am able to support the planting of trees to help restore and repair the Caledonian forest.

The trees in ‘The Forest Guide: Scotland’ grove will not be planted all together in one location, so in that sense the ‘grove’ is virtual, but the trees are very much real. They will be planted somewhere in the Highlands within the next planting season. Over time, I hope to sponsor more trees in the grove.

I think this is a great scheme, and easy to take part in. Sadly, I don’t earn enough money from my writing to become a silver, gold, or platinum supporter. Nonetheless, I wanted to mark the occasion of the publication of my forthcoming book by doing something meaningful, and this seemed a good way to do so.

I like how, by starting my own grove, others can also support the charity’s work easily by adding their own dedicated trees via my grove (without paying a set-up fee). If you are interested in doing so, click on the image or follow the link in the button. You can add your own dedication.

Gabriel Hemery's grove with Trees for Life
My grove supporting the work of Trees for Life in the Scottish Highlands

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