The Queen’s Green Canopy has been launched as a unique tree planting initiative created to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022, inviting people from across the United Kingdom to Plant a Tree for the Jubilee.

The initiative was launched last week with a somewhat damp fizzle in the national press, clashing with the launch by Defra in England of a new tree action plan with no obvious link between the two. Meanwhile, our national broadcaster the BBC, founded on a royal charter, has also launched their own tree planting initiative Plant Britain. Another group also launched Trees for Tomorrow supported by Countrylife. And finally, make sure that you don’t confuse this new royal initiative with the former Queen’s Commonwealth Canopy! Why, oh why, can’t we come together in an organised and clear fashion? It’s great that there is so much interest in tree planting, but you would think that there could be some co-ordination between major initiatives.

Britain is one of Europe’s least wooded countries (read more) and British people are among the most tree-impoverished populations in the world (read more) with shocking green deprivation and inequality in many areas across Britain (read more). There is no argument that we need more trees, but let’s hope that we can come together strategically as well as practically. Only then will we be able to generate opportunities to raise the funding necessary, persuade landowners about the merits of giving up land for eternity, let alone growing enough quality plants in our tree nurseries to support these and other initiatives.

The Queen’s Green Canopy website

More about the Queen’s Green Canopy

The Queen’s Green Canopy is encouraging everyone from individuals to Scout and Girlguiding groups, villages, cities, counties, schools and corporates to play their part to enhance our environment by planting trees from October, when the tree planting season begins, through to the end of the Jubilee year in 2022.

With a focus on planting sustainably, the QGC will encourage planting of trees to create a legacy in honour of The Queen’s leadership of the Nation, which will benefit future generations.

Plant a Tree for the Jubilee

The Queen’s Green Canopy

As well as inviting the planting of new trees, The Queen’s Green Canopy will dedicate a network of 70 Ancient Woodlands across the United Kingdom and identify 70 Ancient Trees to celebrate Her Majesty’s 70 years of service.

The Queen’s Green Canopy is an inclusive national initiative, meaning that everyone from across the United Kingdom can get involved. Whether you’re an individual hoping to plant a single sapling in your garden, a scout group planting a large tree or a City Council intending to plant a whole avenue of trees to mark The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, the below pages will provide the information you need to plan and deliver your project.

The planting of new trees across the United Kingdom may take the form of:

  • Individuals planting trees on their private land.
  • Corporates and businesses planting trees on their land and creating tree planting projects with employees.
  • Platinum Jubilee Community Planting projects for youth groups, Parishes, Residents’ Associations.
  • A Platinum Jubilee Avenue of medium-sized or large trees ideal for cities, large estates, new housing developments and parishes.
  • A Platinum Jubilee Copse on private land or land allocated by the County or Council.
  • A Platinum School Tree: on school grounds involving students and teachers.

To find out more, visit the Queen’s Green Canopy website

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