The Queen's Green Canopy

The Queen’s Green Canopy has been launched as a unique tree planting initiative created to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022, inviting people from across the United Kingdom to Plant a Tree for the Jubilee.Continue Reading

Q7 When were you last in a woodland?

I conducted a small online survey concerning public attitudes to trees and wood over the Christmas period (December 2011 – January 2012). I collected 83 responses to the survey, which I designed using Survey Monkey. I am the first to admit that the survey had some shortcomings in design, inContinue Reading

Our Forests

Government fails to meet deadline to answer questions on forests disposal proposals. It is over three  months since Our Forests sent in its submission seeking answers on the public forest disposal debacle, yet no final response has been provided, despite officials initially telling us, “we will be able to sortContinue Reading

The Ramblers, Britain’s walking charity, were the first NGO to respond to the launch of Our Forests today.  In a welcome step Justin Cooke, Ramblers Senior Policy Officer, said: “The more people are involved with the Panel, including scrutinizing and evaluating its work, the more its recommendations will reflect theContinue Reading

Today sees the launch of a new ‘ginger group’ – Our Forests – with the aim of ensuring a People’s Vision for the Future of England’s Woods and ForestsContinue Reading

On Thursday, to coincide with the Government’s abandonment of plans to sell or lease England’s publicly owned forests, Fauna & Flora International (FFI) announced an essay writing competition in The Independent newspaper. The title of the essay is “The future of England’s forests”  and FFI are keen to hear theContinue Reading