Recently, I had the pleasure of recording a conversation with longstanding forestry colleague, Jez Ralph, for his inspirational podcast series at Tree Radicals.

Gabriel and Jez walk through the woods at the Sylva Wood Centre in Oxfordshire and discuss the role of modern foresters in an ever-changing landscape. Does forestry need rebranding? A new image? How do we get people to connect with the fact that forestry isn’t simply ‘killing trees’? Gabriel and Jez attempt to tease apart the disconnection between timber products and our woodlands and forests. How is that we can translate the care and emotions that people have for trees into support and understanding of forestry, timber growing, and enhancing biodiversity all at the same time? The beauty and challenge of complexity is endlessly fascinating, and is especially rich in the realms of forests and woodlands. If we are to risk any success in nurturing the natural world in meaningful ways, restoring and building up the affinity that people (not just foresters) have for these spaces must be a key. Find out more about Sylva Foundation.

Listen to the podcast on Spotify:

Visit the Tree Radicals website

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