silvology defined

Silvology: redefining the biological science for the study of forests With co-author Jens Peter Skovsgaard I propose a formal definition for a term that describes the scientific study of forests and woods: silvology.   In contrast to other disciplines no terminology has developed to distinguish the practice of silviculture fromContinue Reading

Despite the sustainable nature of modern forestry in much of the developed world, while deforestation continues in the less-developed world, perhaps forestry will continue to have a poor reputation in the public conscience.Continue Reading

Silvology: the study of forests and woods, incoporating both the understanding of natural forest ecosystems and the design of silvicultural systems.Continue Reading

On my homepage I write that I aim to celebrate the ” silvan” world: here’s an etymology. Silva or sylva is a Latin word meaning ‘wood or forest’, with silvan or sylvan meaning ‘of the wood or forest’. In forestry we use the word silviculture, meaning literally culture of forests.Continue Reading

I’m a forester.  That’s a simple description of my profession without much room for misunderstanding – or so you’d think.  Therein lies an etymological dilemma for me and my fellow tree professionals. As a forester I practice forestry, which is the management of forests.  In the public mind the termContinue Reading