Green Gold has attracted good reviews from readers on various book reviewing platforms. Before they become buried in their busy book reviewing archives, I have selected a few choice quotes to share below.

You can also check out reviews on Amazon (currently 4 stars), and Goodreads (3.6 stars). If you’ve read Green Gold, I’d be very grateful if you could leave a review on one of these or other platforms, as this will help more readers discover the book.

A real adventure in the written form. Marvellous.

Orlando Books

I really enjoyed it and would definitely recommend this book, it poses a fictional ending to an enduring mystery.

Rachel Read It

Hemery uses . . . factual details and meticulous research to weave the fictional story of the expedition through diary entries. The overall effect is a captivating story of adventure in very different times to our own.

Bella Jones

. . . the research that went into this novel is impressive . . . Hemery clearly put a lot of work into this book and the labor of love shows in its attention to detail, its consistency of voice, and its creative use of the information.


Anyone interested in botany and the history of plant hunters will find this a fascinating read.  Gabriel brings the realities of these dangerous expeditions to life and by giving John [Jeffrey] a voice has brought him and his legacy to light in the twenty-first century. 

Tales Before Bedtime

I thought it was really good.

Halfman Halfbook

If you have any interest at all in botany or the Victorian era – but quite frankly even if you don’t, since it’s such an enjoyable read! – you will thoroughly this intriguing and elucidating novel.

Books are Cool

Gabriel Hemery has done an amazing job in telling the story of the plant hunter and his expedition through his journals. For anyone who loves history or the study of plants then Green Gold is a book you will enjoy reading.

The Last Word

My thanks to Anne Cater of Random Things tours for organising the reviews of Green Gold on a blog tour, and to all the book reviewers. 

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