There’s something surreal about exploring the countryside during heavy snow fall. All sounds are muffled and the light takes on an eerie quality. It’s tempting to wait until the snow clouds pass and the sun comes out, but don’t wait . .  brave the cold, put your camera in a waterproof camera bag, and enter the landscape thinking about abstract shapes, silhouettes and structure.

GabrielHemery whiteout by The Tree Photographer on

DMX-GX7, Leica 25mm F1.4, iso200, 1/800sec, f4.0.

These two lime trees caught my eye, offering a frame around a distant copse of trees which were only just visible in the snowfall. I always imagined the image being black and white. Some subtle edits in Lightroom helped me achieve the balance in light between the silhouette of the trees and the whiteout effect in-between them.

GabrielHemery woodbarn by The Tree Photographer on

DMX-GX7, Leica 25mm F1.4, iso200, 1/500sec, f3.2.

The texture of these old barns really stood out in the falling snow, while the pile of logs added some interesting foreground structure. I quite liked how the images looked when previewing them, but there was something missing; the sky and roof looked a little short of interest. Then I noticed some pigeons circling, waiting for me to leave the scene, so I waited a while until they came into land, one-by-one. This is one of my favourite images, as I like the pose of the bird. Using the Silver Efex plug-in in Lightroom I post-edited the image to bring out the structure of the image, both to accentuate the texture of the barn and accentuate the falling snowflakes.

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Gabriel Hemery

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