The diversity of the walnut world always holds surprises and today I received a fascinating enquiry.  Donna Beveridge wrote to me with a plea for help in sourcing walnuts for sick Parrots on the tiny Scottish island of Kerrera (population 35):

“I am a volunteer at The Island Parrot Sanctuary on The Island Of Kerrera, Scotland. I am writing to ask if you can help us. The sanctuary is home to over fifty sick, physically and mentally abused parrots. As a charity (SC041254), we rely entirely on donations. Yvonne MacMillan runs the sanctuary from the grounds of her garden and works from 0530hrs to 11pm, 365 days per year. She is a parrot behaviourist and works tirelessly trying to heal the birds’ mental and physical wounds. In addition to this she also runs a free advice service for parrot owners.

As part of a healthy diet the birds are also given nuts. We have found walnuts to be particularly beneficial; they can really turn a bird’s health around. The birds also need extra nuts over the winter to help them through the cold. It is a struggle financially to pay for them, as they are so expensive.

I am contacting you as I know you are heavily involved in walnut reasearch. We are hoping to buy walnuts that are deemed unsuitable for stores due to size or shape and can be sold at a reduced rate. Can you possibly point me in the right direction with regards as to whom I should speak to regarding this?”

I know that walnuts can provide remarkable benefits for humans health but their use in restoring health in birds was new to me.

Can you help?  If so, please get in touch.

Gabriel Hemery

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