A book published in 1922 captures the spirit of childhood almost 90 years ago, when children would spend days on their own exploring the countryside, building shelters and catching their own food …Continue Reading

A filmed interview for a BBC TV Newsnight programme – part of a featured debate on the Government’s plans to dispose of the public forest estate in England. Listen to my full interview.Continue Reading

World food shortages are anticipated by 2050 but what are the implications for growing trees? If faced with starvation, I know what I would choose but I would have had to have made that decision 50 years before.Continue Reading

The BBC Newsnight programme featuring the public forest estate has been postponed. It is likely to be broadcast on Monday 24th and certainly before Thursday. Gabriel HemeryContinue Reading

Does private ownership equate to private forests? Would an increase in the number of forests in private ownership, as a result of the public forest estate disposal, necessarily lead to less public access and loss of other public benefits? I examine some interesting evidence.Continue Reading

There will be a film broadcast, on the BBC2 Newsnight programme, about the proposed sale of the public forest estate in England.  The film will feature a range of interviews from different stakeholders, including myself, prior to a studio debate. Update … the film was broadcast on Wednesday 26th January. Continue Reading