We’ve had some really stormy summer weather in the UK over the last week or so. Unlike those intrepid fauna nature photographers, us plant photographers are normally lulled into a false sense of smugness that our subjects stay still long enough to allow us to frame every shot taking allContinue Reading

Walnut forest in Kyrgyzstan

Our media is awash with reviews of 2011 and so it seemed fitting to add my own forestry year, as 2011 was a truly eventful time for trees and forestry. It was the year that forestry came of age in modern society. Forestry in 2011 was elevated to international prominenceContinue Reading

Fall in woodland

The colours and texture of Autumn are perfectly captured, with a hint of seasonal swirling winds. I love the idea of falling into the woodland; like disappearing down a silvan plug hole.Continue Reading

Acorns and dog walking

At this time of year our woodlands are spectacular; seemingly a palette containing every colour ranging from the oranges and russet browns of fallen oak leaves, the red of hawthorn berries, to psychedelic pinks in Spindle fruits. Observe closely and your senses can be entertained in other ways too. DuringContinue Reading

Robin's pincushion gall - Diplolepis rosae

Cecidology – the study of galls produced on trees and plants by fungi, insects, or mites Most children have played games with oak apples (e.g. they’re great in a slingshot!) but few kids, or adults, realise that an oak apple is not a natural part of the tree, at least notContinue Reading

The grey squirrel is perhaps one of the most commonly seen of British mammals being highly visible in parks, gardens and woodlands.  This, in combination with its large eyes and bushy tail, often make it an attractive and popular animal in the public eye. Grey squirrels are, however, a seriousContinue Reading

Swallow and trees

“One swallow doesn’t make a summer!” This seemed an apt saying to sum up this year’s British summer.  It’s been difficult to photograph anything ‘hot’ to meet this week’s photo challenge, at least in the British countryside. Gabriel HemeryContinue Reading

Common spotted orchid

This weekend I revisited a woodland plantation that I’d planted 19 years ago.  I was delighted to discover a coterie of common spotted orchids (Dactylorhiza fuchsii).  The sweet chestnut trees that I’d planted had been coppiced, as originally planned, and were accompanied by ‘volunteer’ silver birch.  The light shading canopyContinue Reading

I wrote this post more than five years ago, and its been one of my most popular ever since. Naturally more excellent trees books have been published in the intervening years and the list is worth updating. I’ve since written my own books so it would remiss of me not toContinue Reading

Deep within an English woodland, while the distant bark of a roe deer echoed between the hazel coppice stools, the nearby sounds of a calling coot led to me to water and a hidden woodland pond.  As I explored the fringes of the carr woodland I came across these luminescentContinue Reading

Here in the south of Britain we’ve experienced our first substantial rain for many weeks, following the driest April and May since meteorological records began.  During a particularly heavy shower while I was in the woods today, I took shelter under a beautiful sycamore tree.  Looking up I discovered thatContinue Reading