I spent over a decade as a forest scientist working to improve the genetic quality of various hardwood tree species.  To put it another way, to maniupate NATURE.  It became increasingly obvious to me that we must never ignore NURTURE.  We must work with both nature and nurture when creatingContinue Reading

My forestry research work took me to the USA and Italy looking for the best ways to grow walnut trees for timber.  Foresters in both countries pioneered the planting of nitrogen-fixing trees or shrubs with hardwood trees, where their ability to improve soil fertility for ‘hungry’ species, such as walnut,Continue Reading

I enjoy drawing and computer-aided design and where this coincides with my love of trees and the countryside I derive extra enjoyment. This is a piece of artwork I produced for a leaflet that I also co-wrote for the charity Woodland Heritage in 2006, on the Establishment of Broadleaves (downloadContinue Reading