It is Saint Swithin’s Day today, 15th July: the day on which people traditionally watch the weather.  Tradition says that whatever the weather is like on St. Swithin’s Day, it will continue the same for the next forty days. There is a well-known weather-rhyme in Britain: St. Swithin’s day ifContinue Reading

The ability of a tree to heal itself quickly following pruning is important as it reduces the risk of infection, reduces the impact on tree growth, and improves the quality of its timber. I’ve written previously about how to prune a tree and if you follow these guidelines correctly, theContinue Reading

Young forest trees often require some form of ‘formative’ shaping or pruning during the first 5-10 years after planting.  I co-wrote a practical guide on this subject for Woodland Heritage, and created the artwork that I’ve reproduced here.     Young trees may require pruning for a variety of reasons,Continue Reading