Our Forests

Documents and links arising from the work of Our Forests

General documents

Our Forests: web page
Our Forests – launch: Press Release, June 2011
Our Forests: summary of 2009 consultation report on the public forest estate
Our Forests: Ancient Woodlands briefing
Our Forests – minutes of meeting 14th October 2011
Our Forests: Press Release 8th December 2011 re Independent Panel on Forestry Progress Report
Our Forests: Press Release 11th January 2012 – A vision for England’s woods and forests
Our Forests: Vision for the future of England’s woods and forests. January 2012

Freedom of Information requests & responses

Request to Defra for Internal Review of FoI response. 28th November 2011
Our Forests – Freedom of Information request: Government fails to meet deadline Press Release 5th October 2011
Our Forests – Freedom of Information: Background details briefing. Published 5th October, corrected 7th October 2011.The 5th October version of this briefing incorrectly stated that The Guardian article was 23rd January, when it was in fact 28th January 2011. This is quite significant, as it changes the emphasis on some NGO’s pre-knowledge of/inclination to take on parts of PFE.
Defra FOI response to Our Forests 6th October 2011
Forestry Commission FOI response to Our Forests 6th October 2011
Forestry Commission proposed sales – Notifications List 2010-11
National Trust – Expression of Interest
WildlifeTrusts – Expression of Interest
Our Forests – Freedom of Information requests: Press Release, 29th July 2011

Independent Panel on Forestry in England (Defra)

Key documents and links arising from the work of The Independent Panel

Independent Panel on Forestry: final report 4th July 2012
Independent Panel on Forestry: progress report 8th December 2011
Independent Panel on Forestry: web pages
Independent Forestry Panel: Terms of Reference
Independent Forestry Panel: members’ biographies

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