Official website of Gabriel Hemery — British author, tree photographer and forest scientist. 

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Gabriel Hemery 2024
Gabriel Hemery books


I write about trees, forestry, and the environment.
My next books are continuations of two series – The Tree Almanac 2025 (Robinson Books) and The Forest Guide: Wales (Bloomsbury Wildlife).
My first and award-winning book, The New Sylva, was published by Bloomsbury in 2014 and reprinted in 2021.
I’ve also written two novels, released two short story collections, and a poetry anthology. My short stories have been included in two anthologies.

Tree Photography

I am a part-time professional photographer specialising in tree, forest and landscape photography.
My images have featured in magazines, books, merchandising, and global advertising. I also take photographs for use in my own book projects, such as The Forest Guide series.
Every year I produce a unique high-quality photo calendar featuring a selection of my treescape images. Currently I am completing an ambitious project to capture and publish a new photograph every day for 365 days – see Project365.

Tree perspective

Latest News


I’m a silvologist or forest scientist. Silvology is the biological science of studying forests, incorporating the understanding of natural forest ecosystems, and the effects and development of silvicultural practices. Read more



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Delve into my blog to discover ideas and opinions about trees and forestry; ranging from art and history, silviculture and wood technology, to global environmentalism. I also provide readers with news about my writing, including unique insights into my book projects, plus early-bird discounts, and free book giveaways.