You People - a poem by Gabriel Hemery
You People, by Gabriel Hemery. From Tall Trees Short Stories Vol20. Published June 2020.


Scarce and irreplaceable?
232 of our rarest and most vulnerable,
Threatened, you say.
You people.

Protect ancient woodland at all cost!
All very well if it’s not your money,
That’s easy to say.
You people.

It’s not destroying,
Nor smashing by hordes.
But building a greener future.
You people.

Losing 108 woodlands,
A few ancient trees and some rare butterflies.
Can’t you see, we’re saving the majority?
You people.

Not green.
Not a tool to fight climate change.
You don’t know what you’re talking about.
You people.

Highly complex ecosystems,
Cannot be undone.
Save us from techno-babble and hyperbole.
You people.

Net zero, that’s what we’re about.
Progress first, mop up after.
Trains not trees, we know best.
You people.

About the poem

I was inspired to write You People after following a vitriolic ‘debate’ on Twitter last year. The poem will be included alongside several others in my next book Tall Trees Short Stories Vol20 coming out in June.

About the photo: This is a pedunculate oak tree that I planted 28 years ago. Image captured with Panasonic GX7 with LUMIX G 42.5mm lens, 1/1250sec, f1.7, ISO125.

Photo Ⓒ Gabriel Hemery

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