Celebrating 100 years of the Forestry Commission

A new website has been launched by the Forestry Commission, in readiness for an exciting programme of activities planned to celebrate the centenary in 2019. It’s well worth checking out the attractive looking site, with features including writers, film, online explorations, and a sign-up page to keep up-to-date with developments.Continue Reading


Biochar was one of those terms that when first heard left me none-the-wiser. You mean it’s charcoal but with a different name – why’s that? You bury it – that seems a waste, why not burn it? In case it’s a new term to you, here’s a brief overview ofContinue Reading

Ecosia web search

I came across a clever new web search tool recently that aims to help sustain the Earth’s rainforests by collecting money through internet searches. Ecosia refer to themselves as a “social business”, and technically to their web search as a “search engine mask” as it is powered by Bing andContinue Reading

There are now 18 million blogs hosted like mine by WordPress.com.  Globally about  750,000 page views a day are now made by iPad visitors.  I’ve made the most of some great new features provided by WordPress that exploit the functionality of the iPad.  Let me know if you have viewedContinue Reading