What Future for our Oak?
Acute Oak Decline (AOD) is a serious threat facing native oak trees in Britain. If you own or manage trees, please support an important research project: Future OakContinue Reading
health issues relating to trees, woodlands and forests
Acute Oak Decline (AOD) is a serious threat facing native oak trees in Britain. If you own or manage trees, please support an important research project: Future OakContinue Reading
Farmers, foresters and land managers, experts and environmental organisations, and members of the public are invited by government to give their views on the future creation and management of our trees, woodlands and forests in England.Continue Reading
Our life on Earth is entwined with trees, even if we’re not always aware of their importance. It often takes a special moment for us remember the significance of something we can so easily take for granted. The Year 2017 is one such moment for trees and forests in the UK, this being the 800th anniversary of the Charter of the Forest.Continue Reading
Every now and then in life you gain sudden clarity of vision about an issue; perhaps triggered by listening to someone erudite, reading something written with super clarity, or seeing it with your own eyes. In my case it is the latter and I’m worried – super worried in fact. I am not prone to exaggeration.Continue Reading
The fungus that wiped out 3.5 billion chestnut trees in the USA has been found for the first time in Britain. Chestnut blight, caused by the fungus Cryphonectria parasitica (C. parasitica), has been confirmed by Forest Research scientists on trees in two small orchards of European sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa).Continue Reading
Horse chestnut trees are looking worse for wear due to a leaf miner pest. Take part in a European survey by ‘adopting’ a tree near you and recording the presence or absence of the pest.Continue Reading
The £5,500 raised by 22 cyclists earlier this year in aid of funding research into Acute Oak Decline is being put to good use by scientists at Forest Research. Organiser Russell Ball has received a letter from Forest Research’s Chief Executive: I am writing to acknowledge receipt and thank youContinue Reading
The Ramblers, Britain’s walking charity, were the first NGO to respond to the launch of Our Forests today. In a welcome step Justin Cooke, Ramblers Senior Policy Officer, said: “The more people are involved with the Panel, including scrutinizing and evaluating its work, the more its recommendations will reflect theContinue Reading
Chronic oak decline, acute oak decline, sudden oak death … there is widespread public concern about the health of the nation’s flagship tree species. What’s the difference between these diseases and what causes them?Continue Reading
On 23rd March I am taking part in a sponsored cycle ride in London to raise awareness of acute oak decline, and to raise money to support research. Please sponsor me to support this important work.Continue Reading
A book published in 1922 captures the spirit of childhood almost 90 years ago, when children would spend days on their own exploring the countryside, building shelters and catching their own food …Continue Reading
The Government will be announcing the public consultation concerning the public forest estate on Thursday 27thContinue Reading
As the fourth test starts today, spare a thought for the three trees and their wood that without which cricket would not exist.Continue Reading
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