I wrote an epic poem within my new novel The Wolf, The Walnut and The Woodsman. The poem is titled the Legend of Parousia.
I’ve recorded an extract of the poem and published it on YouTube.
Without giving too much away, the extract below (and the longer recording) features only a small part of the 800+ word epic poem.
The Legend of Parousia should be read aloud with gusto, as a troubadour might in a moonlit forest clearing while her listeners gather among the shadowed tree boles. Over to you …
An extract from The Legend of Parousia
What! A tale of a time || From troubadours of yore When working woods || Were wooed in whispers In tongues a tenon deep || Sung in respectful timbre By a wisdom woven in nature || Nurturing a home of wild While bavins baked || And ships sailed on bended knee The woodsman wielded his axe || Breathing life to the world Yet as sun and moon sauntered || Ignorant in celestial solitude Unbeknown a fracture formed || And beneath it, a foulness A shadow of shade || A darkness in the shallows Its cryptic camouflage || Found the nightjar kipping Unseen by tawny owl to tell || Or even tiny pipistrelle By lurking under root and limb || Girding its fearsome loins Preparing an evil power || Making its vile plans Came the one whose name we quietly swear || That diavol ...
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