Two early reviews for Tall Trees Short Stories have been posted this week.
Publishing a book is a very personal experience for an author. When first read by others it feels akin to exposing your soul to the world. So it’s very much more than simple relief you feel when learning for the first time that others like what you’ve written.
so enthralling . . . some may make you cry, others will raise a smile
Marie Shallcross
The book is published 30th June and available in all good bookshops in paperback and ebook. If you can’t wait til then, head over to my shop and buy a copy direct from me.
Living Woods
Living Woods magazine included a long extract of one of the stories for their readers, remarking:
Equally important is the message behind the tales, that of the need to care for the environment around us, especially our trees. Gabriel uses all the advantages of fiction to push this message home, using an amusing and often quirky angle to examine more serious issues.
Living Woods, June 2020
Marie Shallcross
Writer, award-winning blogger and garden designer Marie Shallcross applied for an advanced review copy of the book in March, and posted her review on her blog this week.
Coming to this book of stories with a theme of trees and forests I was looking forward to reading and reviewing. But I encountered a problem. The Tall Trees Short Stories tales were so enthralling that my pen and notebook were left untouched. Instead I wandered through sylvan trails wondering where I would I next find myself.
Marie Shallcross
Reviews Wanted
I am still interested in receiving book reviews. If you review books and prepared to write an honest review for a magazine or membership organisation, or write your own blog, read more and get in touch.